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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude

I am starting yet another blog (an ambitious task, since I can't seem to keep up with my others, but I am hopeful).

I've heard and read that gratitude journals are helpful to identify blessings in your life when life seems to not be going so well.  I've also recently started reading a book I bought at a sale at work called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin.  It's been quite enlightening, and I've only read the first chapter.

This is the first step to my  own happiness project..I started it in part last year without realizing that is what I was doing.  I am happier than I can convey that 2010 is over, and hopeful that 2011 will be much improved.  What that improvement will entail remains to be seen.

I can't promise to post daily (tho I may try) since I can't even keep up with my other blogs, but I will try to post at least weekly.

Today I am grateful for healthcare and doctors that truly care for their patients.  Our healthcare delivery system may not be the most ideal, and it certainly has much room for improvement, but the technology and access is much better than other countries.