Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1--What I'm Thankful for....The Lord's Hand

This seems a really good time to bring this blog to life.  November is notably the month of Thanks and Gratitude, and while I seem to often have to seek diligently to find things to be grateful for these days, I am trying.  So, for November, I am going to try to post at least 1 thing I am grateful for each day.

The hand of the Lord is often at work even when we don't see it.  But sometimes, His work is very very visible.

This past September or so, I learned that my AC compressor was going out in my car.  So I stopped using the AC (it was still hot, but not triple digits any more).  Saturday a week ago, the car started making a funny daughter's boyfriend said it was the water pump going out.  So I spent the week believing the water pump would be fixed this past Sunday, watching the temperature constantly, and praying that it would get me where I needed to be until Sunday. About Wed or Th, I started noticing an odd smell when I turned on the defrost.  So I would only have it on long enough to clear the windows, then turn it off.  Saturday night comes and my dad starts the car to go to work....there is a horribly loud squeal and smoke pouring from under the hood.  (NOTE:  Perhaps my prayers should have been to get through Sunday, rather than just to Sunday.  :)

Turns out my water pump was never going was the AC compressor the entire time.  Apparently, it does more than just run the air conditioner.  Who knew.  The smell, the squeal, and the smoke were from the belt finally breaking.

I had it towed Monday to the mechanic shop that I use to have an AC bypass installed.  If you don't already know, it is expensive.  Very.  It's a 4 hour most of the cost was labor.  They looked at it, quoted me the price of $621.53 to fix.  Told them to go ahead, even though I had absolutely no idea where the money was going to come from.  My mom found a coupon, which took $40 bucks off, making the total $581.53.  Together, we were able to come up with $582.00.  Seriously.  Gives me goose bumps still to think about it.

I went to get my car today....I paid $577 and some change.  So it was still less than what we pulled together.

The Lords hands....right smack dab in the middle of my life.  Yes indeed.

Grateful?  You have no idea....

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